Dear all,
please find enclosed the essential materials that were discussed at a meeting
this week with the registrar.
The first two documents cover a new project, certification of registrars. It is
focused primarily on the Czech registrars, but if anyone of you is interested to
participate in a certification scheme so it's certainly possible. In this case,
please contact me at my email and I will inform future actions.
The second document relates to the newly introduced charges for an excess number
of the registrar’s sent queries. Conditions and timetable set out in the
document. If you are interested, I can individually send you the number of
requests sent for the month of March.
Ing. Martin PETERKA
Operations director
CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.
Americka 23
120 00 Praha 2
tel.: +420 222 745 104
fax : +420 222 745 112
e-mail : martin.peterka(a)
Dear all,
please find attached a new version of the Price List. It enters into force
June 1, 2011 and is also available on the
Changes to the existing list are:
- Deletes the entry for access to the zone file (this service will no longer
- the price list formalize process of composing the annual minimum advance
in two parts, which is now used
Ing. Martin PETERKA
Operations director
CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.
Americka 23
120 00 Praha 2
tel.: +420 222 745 104
fax : +420 222 745 112
e-mail : martin.peterka(a)
Dear all,
I would like to invite you to our registry - registrar meeting which will be
held on 27th April 2011.
Program of the meeting will be available during next week.
If you would like to attend it please let me know until 20.April - if there will
be more non Czech-speaking attendees, I try to arrange translation into English
Ing. Martin PETERKA
Operations director
CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.
Americka 23
120 00 Praha 2
tel.: +420 222 745 104
fax : +420 222 745 112
e-mail : martin.peterka(a)