On 05/31/2018 03:32 PM, Ulrich Wisser wrote:
I find the query stats strange. If you count on the answers, why aren't they answer stats? And why aren't the other flags counted. I for one would be interested in AD.

I find that an implementation detail.  Usage of EDNS and the DO flag are determined by the query having them set, so it feels more natural (to me) to count them as properties of the queries rather than answers.

I think the prefetch stats need some more definition. Right now I can't see a real use. I would like to see how many queries are considered for prefetch (is this prefetch.queue?) and the total amount of prefetches done.

They are actually documented, but I suppose it's not particularly enlightening unless you know how the prefetch module works.  http://knot-resolver.readthedocs.io/en/stable/modules.html#exported-metrics

For the RPZ I think it would be very interesting to see which RPZ and action combination was hit how many times.

Maybe you could look at pihole https://pi-hole.net/ these people have a nice dashboard and good statistics for their DNS service.

Basically all this turned out to require more than a few minutes to fix, so I collected the ideas here: https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/knot/knot-resolver/issues/364
