Hi Ken,

dig asks exactly the question you typed in. Use the host command to test resolution with the searchlist.


Am Mo., 21. Sept. 2020 um 11:10 Uhr schrieb Ken Moini <ken.moini@gmail.com>:
Trying to use Knot DNS + Knot Resolver for a small business network.

So far it's working great, however there's one function that's still needed: short hostname resolution suffixing.

Meaning for 'server.example.com' I can `dig server.example.com` and get the desired result, but wondering how to attach the 'example.com' suffix so I can simply query `dig server` and have Knot auto-append 'example.com' suffix.

I believe I saw it in the documentation but I can't find it again for the life of me...

Thanks in advance,