Dear Knot Resolver users,
Knot Resolver 3.2.0 has been released.
New features
- module edns_keepalive to implement server side of RFC 7828 (#408)
- module nsid to implement server side of RFC 5001 (#289)
- module bogus_log provides .frequent() table (!629, credit Ulrich Wisser)
- module stats collects flags from answer messages (!629, credit Ulrich
- module view supports multiple rules with identical address/TSIG
and keeps trying rules until a "non-chain" action is executed (!678)
- module experimental_dot_auth implements an DNS-over-TLS to auth protocol
(!711, credit Manu Bretelle)
- net.bpf bindings allow advanced users to use eBPF socket filters
- http module: only run prometheus in parent process if using --forks=N,
as the submodule collects metrics from all sub-processes as well.
- TLS fixes for corner cases (!700, !714, !716, !721, !728)
- fix build with -DNOVERBOSELOG (#424)
- policy.{FORWARD,TLS_FORWARD,STUB}: respect net.ipv{4,6} setting (!710)
- avoid SERVFAILs due to certain kind of NS dependency cycles, again
(#374) this time seen as 'circular dependency' in verbose logs
- policy and view modules do not overwrite result finished requests (!678)
- Dockerfile: rework, basing on Debian instead of Alpine
- policy.{FORWARD,TLS_FORWARD,STUB}: give advantage to IPv6
when choosing whom to ask, just as for iteration
- use pseudo-randomness from gnutls instead of internal ISAAC (#233)
- tune the way we deal with non-responsive servers (!716, !723)
- documentation clarifies interaction between policy and view modules
(!678, !730)
Module API changes
- new layer is added: answer_finalize
- kr_request keeps ::qsource.packet beyond the begin layer
- kr_request::qsource.tcp renamed to ::qsource.flags.tcp
- kr_request::has_tls renamed to ::qsource.flags.tls
- kr_zonecut_add(), kr_zonecut_del() and kr_nsrep_sort() changed
parameters slightly
Full changelog:
GPG signature:
Tomas Krizek
PGP: 4A8B A48C 2AED 933B D495 C509 A1FB A5F7 EF8C 4869