first of all I would like to express many thanks to the CZ.NIC DNS team
for an amazing piece of software which the KnotDNS in my view surely is.
Well, to my question. I run two instances of knot 2.6.9 in the
master-slave configuration which serve a couple of zones. The zones are
DNSSEC signed at master with an automated key management. This works
excellent even with the KSK rotation (I am under .cz TLD). However, I
also have a subdomain (i.e., 3rd order domain) with synthesized records.
The only way to allow DNSSEC for it I was able to find is:
- using mod-onlinesign on both the master and slave,
- generating a key externally (with bind-utils) and importing it into
KASP on both servers,
- configuring manual key policy,
- adding the appropriate DS record into the parent zone.
This seems to work fine, all the validation tests pass.
The question is: Is there a better way to achieve the goal (especially
with new features like automated key rotation in online signing of the
2.7 version in mind) or what is the recommended practice in a similar
Thanks in advance for any suggestion or advice,
Have a nice day,
- smime.p7s
(application/pkcs7-signature — 3,9 KB)