Hi Sakirnth,
actually, the KSK lifetime is interpreted by Knot far simplier: it
counts from the KSK creation timestamp. So 3 days after one KSK was
created, a new KSK is created (this applies if the existing KSK is in
"active" state).
Anyway, unlike ZSK rollover, it's not possible to accurately calculate
the length of KSK rollover. The length of submission ("ready") phase
depends on how quickly the DS record is updated in parent zone and how
quickly Knot notices this change with "DS check".
What is the reason for such a short KSK lifetime? It seems prettly tight
with relatively high value of DNSKEY TTL.
Hope I helped you to understand little more,
P.S.: please consider upgrading to version 2.8 or 2.9.
Dne 16.10.19 v 11:36 Sakirnth (BFH) napsal(a):
I am using knot version 2.7 with automated keyrollover for DNSSEC.
I am trying to understand the rollover process so that I can exactly
predict when a rollover is in progress.
So far I have understood this:
KSK (1) [created and published] ---(progapagtion delay + DNSKEY TTL)-->
KSK (1) [ready]
---(submitted in parent zone)-->
---((KSK-TTL) - (DNSKEY TTL + propagation delay + DS parent TTL + x))->
KSK (2) [created and published]
KSK (2) [ready] ---(submitted in parent zone)-->
KSK (1) [retire-active], KSK (2) [active] ---(propagation delay + DNSKEY
KSK (1) [removed]
My observartions during the rollover:
Knot configuration:
Propagation-delay: 2h
Zone TTL default: 1h
KSK-lifetime: 3d
ZSK lifetime: 0
Parent configuration:
DS-TTL on parent: 1h
KSK (1) [created and published] ---(progapagtion delay + DNSKEY TTL)-->
KSK (1) [ready]
---(submitted in parent zone)-->
---((3d) - (12h + 2h + 1h + x))->
KSK (2) [created and published]
KSK (2) [ready] ---(submitted in parent zone)-->
KSK (1) [retire-active], KSK (2) [active] ---(2h + 12h)->
KSK (1) [removed]
The new key was created 19 hours before the KSK-lifetime ends. When I
substract DNSKEY TTL, propagation delay and DS parent TTL its still 4
hours too early. Somebody knows why?
Thanks and Cheers,