Hello Daniel,
we tried the described approach, and it worked fine for zones, that we
already executed "knotc zone-ksk-submitted xx.tld" for.
For freshly added zones however the "knotc zone-status xx.tld" returns a
status that indicates that the parent DS query has not been scheduled:
[xx.tld.] role: master | serial: 1551549547 | transaction: none |
freeze: no | load: not scheduled | refresh: not scheduled | update: not
scheduled | expiration: not scheduled | journal flush: not scheduled |
notify: not scheduled | DNSSEC re-sign: +19h26m42s | NSEC3 resalt:
+27D2h42m39s | parent DS query: not scheduled
Also our logs do not show any attempts of parent DS queries for the
affected zone, only for the zones that we previously executed
"zone-ksk-submitted" for.
Right now we add the zone using a default template (which does not make
use of DNSSEC), because not all of our zones should be signed right away
and switch the template to a signed template for specific zones, that we
actually want to sign.
Here's an excerpt from our current config:
- id: local-resolver
- id: resolver
parent: local-resolver
- id: shared
algorithm: RSASHA256
ksk-size: 2048
zsk-size: 1024
zsk-lifetime: 1d
ksk-lifetime: 2d
ksk-shared: true
ksk-submission: resolver
nsec3: true
- id: default
storage: "/var/lib/knot"
semantic-checks: on
global-module: mod-stats
master: primary
notify: secondaries
acl: [primary, secondaries]
- id: signed
dnssec-signing: on
dnssec-policy: shared
acl: [primary, secondaries]
notify: secondaries
Maybe we get something fundamentally wrong, but from our experience
there is no DS scheduling without an initial manual intervention via
"knotc zone-ksk-submitted xx.tld".
Any hint would be appreciated!
Thank a lot,
Am 05.03.19 um 11:49 schrieb Daniel Stirnimann:
Hello Thomas,
On 05.03.19 11:24, Thomas E. wrote:
Will the "knotc zone-ksk-submitted"
command still be necessary for the
initial DS lookup when signing a new zone? Or is the "ksk-submission"
statement sufficient in any case?
The use of "ksk-submission" is sufficient.
From the knot documentation:
"At this point new KSK has to be submitted to the parent zone. Knot
detects the updated parent’s DS record automatically (and waits for
additional period of the DS’s TTL before retiring the old key) if parent
DS check is configured, otherwise the operator must confirm it manually
with knotc zone-ksk-submitted"
I've never used "knotc zone-ksk-submitted". Maybe it's useful if you
have a broken trust chain to your zone and in some scenario you might
want to tell knot to go ahead...