On 03/02/2021 16:55, libor.peltan wrote:
In order to attempt to mitigate the issue, you may try
purging zone
timers. Please back up the timers database first (by simply copying the
directory <storage>/timers somewhere), and then either `knotc zone-purge
example.com. +timers` or delete the directory (I assume that you have
just one zone configured at your server?).
There are other zones on that server but they are all from the same set
so I can manipulate the server with no major disruption.
Anyway, here is what I have tried (in this order) since my previous e-mail:
- purging the timers
- downgrading knot to 2.9
- following the downgrade, deleting both the timers and the journal
- commenting out "journal-content: all" (the old master didn't use this)
Unfortunately none of these actions have helped.
Hmm. Could it be that something has gone wrong with the import of the
KASP database from the old master?