I got a report of an NSEC error from someone who tried to connect to a mistyped hostname. I've done a bit of poking, and it looks like we're seeing a missing wildcard NSEC for domain names that are two subdomains down from the apex, but not for subdomains of the apex. Though, I admit I can't see the problem myself. Querying by hand I see what looks like an identical response, but resolvers and DNSViz report problems with the deeper name.
We're running knot/unknown,now 3.3.5-cznic.1~bullseye from
deb.knot-dns.cz, and this is the relevant policy statement for the zone:
- id: ecdsa
algorithm: ecdsap256sha256
ksk-lifetime: 365d
ksk-submission: parent_zone_sbm
zsk-lifetime: 30d
rrsig-lifetime: 14d
rrsig-refresh: 7d
We are mid-KSK-roll, waiting on the DS submission check.
Have I misconfigured something here, or is there a signing bug, or is this something else?