  • 3 participants
  • 716 discussions

kresd 5.4.4 socket bug
by Mike Wright
1 rok, 12 měsíců

Why does knot need so much prodding to XFR and sign my zones?
by Jan-Piet Mens
2 roky

Knot DNS 3.2.5 release
by Daniel Salzman
2 roky

PKCS#11 label is not set on keys created by Knot
by Jan-Piet Mens
2 roky

Knot DNS 3.2.4 release
by Daniel Salzman
2 roky, 2 měsíce

Knot DNS 3.2.3 release
by Daniel Salzman
2 roky, 3 měsíce

knsupdate Segmentation fault
by Bastien Durel
2 roky, 3 měsíce

Knot DNS 3.2.2 release
by Daniel Salzman
2 roky, 3 měsíce

Knot DNS 3.2.1 release
by Daniel Salzman
2 roky, 5 měsíců

policy.rrsig-refresh in Knot 3.2.0
by André Keller
2 roky, 5 měsíců
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