i have now changed ex_period_min in table zone to 1, and then i tried to renew one domain only 1 month, which is what i want to do:
REG-FO@localhost> renew_domain uttu.fo 2011-03-10 (1 m)
Do you really want to send this command to the server? (y/N): y
ERROR: Parameter value policy error
Reason: period is not aligned with allowed step.
Is it not possible in Fred to renew only 1 month ? Can anyone help ?
In table 'zone' are columns ex_period_max and ex_period_min.
But I'm not sure about granularity. Maybe ex_period_min is also 
granularity. Dont know.

Petur Kirke wrote:
> REG-FO at localhost> renew_domain hus.fo 2009-12-04 (6 m)
> Do you really want to send this command to the server? (y/N): y
> ERROR: Parameter value policy error
> Reason: period is not aligned with allowed step.
> Is it possible to allow this ? and how ?