We have made some progress in activating FRED for our Malawi .mw registry and we have
started connecting registrars. We have now also started publishing the zonefiles from FRED
as generated by genzone-client. BUT I have a problem of serial numbers.
Our current zones have a date related SOA which is as follows:
mw. 172800 IN SOA chambo.sdnp.org.mw. domains.registrar.mw.
2010252090 43200 7200 1209600 172800
However from genzone I am getting the following SOA
mw. 18000 IN SOA chambo.sdnp.org.mw. domains.registrar.mw.
1469318701 10800 3600 604800 86400
Since our current serial number 2010252090 is greater than the genzone serial number
1469318701 then the zone will not propagate to the .mw secondary DNS servers
There is no facility in the genzone config file to help have this resolved. Could you then
anyone please show me how to set up genzone-client so that I can set a higher starting
serial number than the current 2010252090 one?
I would apprecisate a details reply ifyou have one.
Dr Paulos B Nyirenda
NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD
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