I have created a PHP script, where technical_test works pretty well, and has been working for 5 months now.
But now i have a problem, when i check a certain provider of nameservers.
Normally when technical_test responds negative, i get an answer something like this:
Queue size:               1
Message ID:               889
Message date:             2009-12-15T18:01:49Z
Message content:
                          [ATTR: xmlns:nsset: http://www.nic.cz/xml/epp/nsset-1.2; xsi:schemaLocation: http://www.nic.cz/xml/epp/nsset-1.2 nsset-1.2.xsd]
                              [nsset:id]: NS6258
                              [nsset:name]: 'abcdefght.fo'
                                      [nsset:testname]: glue_ok
                                      [nsset:status]: true
                                      [nsset:testname]: existence
                                      [nsset:status]: true
                                      [nsset:testname]: presence
                                      [nsset:status]: false
In my script, i check if there is any "false" in the response, so the example above works fine for me, because there is a false in the end of the response.
But when doing technical_test on the certain provider of nameservers, which gives me a problem, i get this response:
Queue size:               3
Message ID:               890
Message date:             2009-12-15T18:02:45Z
Message content:
                          [ATTR: xmlns:nsset: http://www.nic.cz/xml/epp/nsset-1.2; xsi:schemaLocation: http://www.nic.cz/xml/epp/nsset-1.2 nsset-1.2.xsd]
                              [nsset:id]: NS6259
                              [nsset:name]: 'abcdefght.fo'
                                      [nsset:testname]: glue_ok
                                      [nsset:status]: true
                                      [nsset:testname]: existence
                                      [nsset:status]: true
Should a response like this be understood as positive ?
Does it mean that the technical test is positive ?
Presence is missing ?