I have a fresh install of FRED 2.35.0 on Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS but the
services can't seem to start, only fred-pyfred is active.
The ExecStart commands like: /usr/sbin/fred-rifd -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::2224
-ORBnativeCharCodeSet UTF-8 --config /etc/fred/fred-rifd.conf exit with
failure of Error: CORBA NameService not running.
-ORBendPoint giop:tcp::2222 -ORBnativeCharCodeSet UTF-8 --config
/etc/fred/fred-adifd.conf exit with failure of Error: CORBA NameService not
/usr/sbin/fred-pifd -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::2223 -ORBnativeCharCodeSet UTF-8
--config /etc/fred/fred-pifd.conf exit with failure of Error: CORBA
NameService not running.
/usr/sbin/fred-logd -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::2226 -ORBnativeCharCodeSet UTF-8
--config /etc/fred/fred-logd.conf exit with failure of Error: CORBA
NameService not running.
/usr/sbin/fred-msgd -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::2228 -ORBnativeCharCodeSet UTF-8
--config /etc/fred/fred-msgd.conf exit with failure of Error: CORBA
NameService not running.
/usr/sbin/fred-rsifd -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::2234 -ORBnativeCharCodeSet UTF-8
--config /etc/fred/fred-rsifd.conf exit with failure of Error: CORBA
NameService not running.
The fred-webadmin log when running /usr/bin/fred-webadmin is as follows:
omniORB: (0) 2019-01-16 08:03:11.886060: ERROR! omniORBpy version 4.2
expects stubs version 4.2. Stubs in
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/CosNaming_idl.pyc are version 3.0 (rev 0).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/fred-webadmin", line 8, in <module>
from fred_webadmin.controller import adif
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fred_webadmin/controller/",
line 38, in <module>
import fred_webadmin.auth.corba_auth as auth
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fred_webadmin/auth/",
line 1, in <module>
import fred_webadmin.corbarecoder as recoder
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fred_webadmin/",
line 5, in <module>
from pyfco.recoder import decode_iso_date, decode_iso_datetime,
encode_iso_date, encode_iso_datetime
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfco/", line 3, in
from .name_service import CorbaNameServiceClient
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyfco/", line 6, in
import CosNaming
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/CosNaming/", line 9, in
import CosNaming_idl
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/", line 7, in
_omnipy.checkVersion(3,0, __file__)
ImportError: Stubs not compatible with omniORBpy version 4.2.
Is there a way I can solve this compatibility issure?
The process omniorb4-nameserver status output is as follows:
omniorb4-nameserver.service - LSB: Start the omniNames Interoperable Naming
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/omniorb4-nameserver; bad; vendor preset:
Active: active (exited) since Wed 2019-01-16 07:39:02 SAST; 11min ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 28050 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/omniorb4-nameserver stop (code=exited,
Process: 28133 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/omniorb4-nameserver start
(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 0
Memory: 0B
CPU: 0
Jan 16 07:39:02 fred-test systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Start the omniNames
Interoperable Naming Service...
Jan 16 07:39:02 fred-test omniorb4-nameserver[28133]: * Starting omniORB
name server omniNames
Jan 16 07:39:02 fred-test omniorb4-nameserver[28133]: ...done.
Jan 16 07:39:02 fred-test systemd[1]: Started LSB: Start the omniNames
Interoperable Naming Service.
In fred-eppd.log I found [sessionID 216968] Could not obtain object
reference for alias 'EPP_alias'. Check mod_corba's configuration, whoever
the module does seem to be enables under apache mods-enabled.
What could be the problem?
Moeketsi Maphoi
Fedora 29 got officially released on 30 October last year but no
packages have been built for that release [1] as of today hence
installation on the distro fails with....
Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'fred', ignoring this repo.
No match for argument: fred-*
Any particular reason the components have not been built for the 29
release of Fedora?
Jóhann B.
I have noticed there is an option to set address fields disclosure settings in the contact update command, but there is no such option in the create command.
Is there some reason for the commands to have different disclosure options?
Best regards,
Jiri Kuchta
Je dobré vědět, že tento e-mail a přílohy jsou důvěrné. Pokud spolu jednáme o uzavření obchodu, vyhrazujeme si právo naše jednání kdykoli ukončit. Pro fanoušky právní mluvy - vylučujeme tím ustanovení občanského zákoníku o předsmluvní odpovědnosti. Pravidla o tom, kdo u nás a jak vystupuje za společnost a kdo může co a jak podepsat naleznete zde<>
You should know that this e-mail and its attachments are confidential. If we are negotiating on the conclusion of a transaction, we reserve the right to terminate the negotiations at any time. For fans of legalese-we hereby exclude the provisions of the Civil Code on pre-contractual liability. The rules about who and how may act for the company and what are the signing procedures can be found here<>.
I am experiencing a bit of a problem here on daphne, out of nowhere. The
FRED services have never stopped running for two months now but daphne puts
out the following message after hitting login.
Error: Backend server is not running!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fred_webadmin/", line 25,
in _wrapper
return view_func(*args, **kwd)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fred_webadmin/controller/",
line 241, in login
self._authenticate(form, admin)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fred_webadmin/controller/",
line 175, in _authenticate
auth.authenticate_user(admin, login, password)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fred_webadmin/auth/",
line 11, in authenticate_user
admin.authenticateUser(recoder.u2c(username), recoder.u2c(password))
File "/tmp/tmprSxSnq", line 6903, in authenticateUser
All FRED services are still running. The logs don't show anything
conclusive, what could be happening?
Moeketsi Maphoi
Systems Engineer: LsNIC
When trying to unblock a domain using Webadmin it does not show the
Unblock button in despite it is blocked. I'm showing this problem in
this attachment.
Have any of you experienced this?. We are using FRED 2.36 under Ubuntu
Any other means of unblocking the domain?
Mario Guerra
One of our registrars is facing a problem making an EPP connection to our .mw registry
running FRED.
The connection sometimes succeeds and sometime it fails with "ERROR: socket.sslerror:
_ssl.c:477" - on a random on-and-off scenario that seems rather random, we cannot tell
when it will fail or succeed.
After many observations, I requested the registrar to install fred-client so that I can also test
the connection from their end.
Sessions look like the ones copied here below where one session was successful to conned
and the other one failed.
I have looked at this in detail and I need help to check what is really going on. I have now
done a TCPDUMP of these connections and the result is copied as here attached, one for a
successful connection and one for a failed connection.
You will see that in the failed connection TCPDUMP shows that the fred-client on was talking to the FRED server on but the fred-client appears to
stop listening even though the FRED server makes a few more attempts to the fred-client.
The registrar is experiencing the same for their own client, it sometimes connects
successfully and sometimes fails with no predictable pattern.
My logs including those on DAPHNE show that most other registrars are connecting ok with
no such problems.
Can you help check what the problem could be with this one registrar? Is there another log
that I can check to see what exactly is causing these connections to fail?
Dr Paulos B Nyirenda
NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD
[######## successful connection #############]
paulos@ndovu [~/fred-client-2.8.0]# ./fred-client
Czech translation not available
Type "help", "license" or "credits" for more information.
Using configuration from conf/fred-client.conf
Connecting to, port 700 ...
Logout command sent to server
Ending session at
[######## failed connection #############]
paulos@ndovu [~/fred-client-2.8.0]# ./fred-client
Czech translation not available
Type "help", "license" or "credits" for more information.
Using configuration from conf/fred-client.conf
Connecting to, port 700 ...
ERROR: socket.sslerror: _ssl.c:477: The handshake operation timed out
paulos@ndovu [~/fred-client-2.8.0]#
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---- File information -----------
File: afriregister-reg-tcpdump-ok-and-failed-EPP-connection-25-7-18.txt
Date: 25 Jul 2018, 15:09
Size: 8110 bytes.
Type: Text
Good morning,
I have a new registrar that is trying to use Java for EPP connections to our .mw FRED server
and they are having a problem on how to use SSL digital keys and SSL certificates in their
Java EPP client
They want to import the SSL private key and digital certificate into their Java EPP client.
The e-mail address of the registrar is domain(a) and their skype IP is slowturtlej
As of now they are trying something like the following:
openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in topnets.cert.pem -inkey topnets.key.pem -out
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore clientuser1p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -deststoretype
JKS -destkeystore ServerKeystore.jks
Let me know if you can help and please, if you can, also communicate to them direcly on the
above address and skype ID.
Dr Paulos B Nyirenda
NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD
------- End of forwarded message -------
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One of our staff has changed the status of a domain "Set inZone Status" to keep the domain
"administratively kept in the zone" on our FRED registry for .mw
Daphne is hence showing "serverInzoneManual - The domain is administratively kept in
Is there any way to toggle the state of the domain back to its normal status?
Can it be done in the database or by sql command?
Dr Paulos Nyirenda
Malawi SDNP Coodinator
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As you can see here below, in a few weeks we will be running our 2nd workshop for
registrars and I am looking for ideas on how to grow our community of registrars. The few
registrars that we have so far are having a tough time developing a registrar platform for EPP
connections to FRED registry.
So, I would like to learn from you on how you have grown your registrars, especially on
assisting them technically to do EPP connections. Do you have any comments on our
workshop agenda?
Do you have a portal for registrars? Do you give them fred-client? Is there a registrar that
has developed their own EPP client to connect to FRED and who is willing to share
development or source for such a client?
Please educate me !
We would be delighted if you could come to Malawi for the one day workshop?
Regards, Paulos
SDNP, the .mw domains registry operator, will run the 2nd .MW
Registrars Training Workshop on 24 April 2018 at the Raylls Protea
Hotel, Blantyre, Malawi. More details on the workshop are available at
SDNP registrar website at
The aim of the workshop is to assist to develop, train and support a
sustainable crop of Internet domain registrars in Malawi that do
sustainable business on the viable Malawi .mw Country Code Top Level
Domain, the .mw ccTLD, using a top of the range domain EPP registry
A detailed agenda has been developed for the workshop and a brief
version is shown here below with more details available on the above
website. Please do let us know if there is any particular topic that you
would like to be covered or emphasized.
The workshop is open to anyone interested but is particularly targeting
registrars and potential registrars. Those interested should register by
19 April 2018. Registration form is available on the above website.
There is limited space for 25 participants.
We, therefore, cordially invite you to the workshop to learn, share
knowledge and network with registrars in Malawi. As in the first
workshop we have interest from registrars from abroad who also want
to learn and to assist to share expertise and experience on how to
develop and sustain a profitable registrar operation and industry in a
place like Malawi.
The workshop fee to assist to cover the venue is MK25,000 for
accredited registrars and MK45,000 for those not yet accredited. Please
pay in advance when you register to Malawi SDNP bank account
number 674257 National Bank of Malawi, Chichiri Branch. Please bring
a laptop for the hands-on exercises.
Those who attended the first workshop are also welcome to share their
experience or ask specific questions at this workshop so as to further
develop their registrar business and operations.
08:00 - 08:30
Workshop Registration, verification
08:30 - 09:00
Workshop opening
Session 1
9:00 - 10:00
Overview: Domains, DNS, Registries, Registrars and
Overview, Domains names, TLDs, Internet services, Users,
Registrants, Registrars, Registries, How DNS works, WHOIS,
Session 2
10:30 - 11:00
Becoming a .mw registrar
What is a Registrar? Registrants, Registries, 2R, 3R, cases in
Africa and globally, overview on EPP - Extensible Provisioning
Protocol and its command groups
Session 3
11:00 - 11:30
Policy Framework for .mw domains
Principles, Domain Registration Policy - Registrar Accreditation
- Fees and Charges - Registrant Agreement
Session 4
11:30 - 12:30
How to grow the domain name industry in Malawi
Domain names and registrar business in Malawi - Example of a
successful registrar - presentations from EvMak(TZ),
Afriregister(BI), Lexsynergy(UK), ZACR(RSA) - ICANN
accreditation - Marketing .mw TLD, Registrar associations
Session 5
13:30 - 14:00
Registry and DNS operations
Global DNS system and operation - BIND and other DNS servers
- DNS zones and zone files - FRED Registry and Automatic Zone
Generation - DNS propagation
Session 6
14:00 - 15:00
Conducting EPP connections - Registry / Server Side
Requirements for registering a domain on .mw registry,
Contacts, handles, nssets, DNS servers, data validation, WHOIS -
Requirements for a registrar to connect to .mw registry,
Registrar Handle, Username and EPP Password, SSL/TLS, Private
Key and Digital Certificate.
SDNP Certification Authority, LINUX operating system tools for
Registrars, SSL, HTTP
Session 7
15:15 - 16:30
* Conducting EPP connections - Registrar / Client Side -
Practical / Demo
EPP clients, fred-client - Download, Configure, Connect, XML,
fred-client as backend of registrar website, security
* Building your own EPP client
* Transferring your current .mw domains to you to manage as a
Registrar over EPP connections
Session 8
16:30 - 170:0
Workshop evaluation
17:00 - 17:30
Closure of Workshop
Malawi SDNP Coordinator,
P.O. Box 31762, Chichiri, Blantyre 3, Malawi
NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD:
Tel: +265-(0)-1-874979 Cell: +265-(0)-888-824787
E-Mail: domains(a)
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Date: 9 Apr 2018, 18:59
Size: 15205 bytes.
Type: Unknown
Is there a recommended new gTLD list recommended to be inserted into the FRED registry
TLD database table?
We at the .mw registry are now receiving regular requests for new gTLDs to be included into
the FRED registry especially for DNS servers for nssets. The latest of these is .ruhr.
We would hence like to find out if there is a list of new gTLDs that we can insert in the FRED
registry data base to take care of these requests instead of having to do this on request when
a registrar fails to include a DNS server into an nsset.
How are the other FRED registry platform users handling this ?
Dr Paulos B Nyirenda
NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD
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