Dear users of the FRED,
I am a technical writer of the CZ.NIC and I'm currently working on a new
administration manual for the FRED.
I think you are of those who would appreciate this new piece of
documentation and therefore, I would like to ask you about your opinions
on what topics this manual should comprise, which questions it should
answer and what else you would expect from it.
I've attached my first (though only very rough) draft of the contents of
this manual for inspiration and/or comments. (Please, ignore the order
of the topics for now, that will be dealt with later.)
Your insight would be very helpful. Thanks for your time!
Best regards,
Technical Writer @ CZ.NIC
We have made some progress in activating FRED for our Malawi .mw registry and we have
started connecting registrars. We have now also started publishing the zonefiles from FRED
as generated by genzone-client. BUT I have a problem of serial numbers.
Our current zones have a date related SOA which is as follows:
mw. 172800 IN SOA
2010252090 43200 7200 1209600 172800
However from genzone I am getting the following SOA
mw. 18000 IN SOA
1469318701 10800 3600 604800 86400
Since our current serial number 2010252090 is greater than the genzone serial number
1469318701 then the zone will not propagate to the .mw secondary DNS servers
There is no facility in the genzone config file to help have this resolved. Could you then
anyone please show me how to set up genzone-client so that I can set a higher starting
serial number than the current 2010252090 one?
I would apprecisate a details reply ifyou have one.
Dr Paulos B Nyirenda
NIC.MW & .mw ccTLD
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Agree with Piotr
On Jul 19, 2016 1:12 PM, Piotr Przybył <piotr(a)> wrote:
On 19/07/16 17:53, Zuzana Lena Ansorgova wrote:
> Dear users of the FRED,
> I am a technical writer of the CZ.NIC and I'm currently working on a new administration manual for
> the FRED.
> I think you are of those who would appreciate this new piece of documentation and therefore, I would
> like to ask you about your opinions on what topics this manual should comprise, which questions it
> should answer and what else you would expect from it.
> I've attached my first (though only very rough) draft of the contents of this manual for inspiration
> and/or comments. (Please, ignore the order of the topics for now, that will be dealt with later.)
> Your insight would be very helpful. Thanks for your time!
> Best regards,
> Lena
> Technical Writer @ CZ.NIC
> _______________________________________________
> fred-users mailing list
> fred-users(a)
Hello Zuzana
Would it be possible for you to take a somewhat different approach?
What I have in mind is creating a document in a more collaborative matter than ODT. Something like
wiki or github? So one could add input directly there and some versioning is also available?
(Personally I'd opt for git[hub], but for some it could be easier to use a wiki page I guess.)
Best regards
fred-users mailing list
Hello cz.nic Team
I've read a memo at your page that you have released FRED 2.23 recently.
Do you have any plans about supporting xenial (and releasing binary packages) once it becomes really
Best regards
Piotr Przybył
Does the keyset FRED specification support the algorithm numbers 12, 13
and 14 (GOST R 34.10-2001, ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256 and ECDSA
Curve P-256 with SHA-384)?
These can be found at this IANA document:
Thanks in advance
Mario Guerra
Good morning,
We are testing FRED, and we currently have a problem with the genzone_client script, we would like to request your help.
We have installed Fred using a Fedora 20 system (via RPM) and started the services as usual:
# Initialize the database scheme
/usr/bin/postgresql-setup initdb
# Start services
service postgresql start
service omniNames start
service fred-server start
service httpd start
service fred-webadmin-server start
Next we are able to add a TLD using:
fred-admin --zone_add --zone_fqdn=acme --ex_period_min=12
--ex_period_max=36 --ttl=18000 --hostmaster=root(a)test.acme
--refresh=10600 --update_retr=3600 --expiry=1209600 --minimum=7200
Also for the nameservers for the .acme TLD zone:
fred-admin --zone_ns_add --zone_fqdn=acme --ns_fqdn=ns1.acme
fred-admin --zone_ns_add --zone_fqdn=acme --ns_fqdn=ns2.acme
Our problem is that, when running genzone_client, the generated zone is outputted without IP address information for the name servers:
TTL 18000 ;default TTL for all records in zone
acme. IN SOA ns1.acme. root.test.acme. (1446128974 10600 3600 1209600 7200)
IN NS ns1.acme.
IN NS ns1.acme.
;--- domain records ---
We have verified in the PosgreSQL database and the A records as present as expected. What could be wrong?
Thank you!
Jorge Granjal
1. I would like to know what are the values for the CSV authorization
file for fred-webadmin interface (Daphne).
2. About the nicauth module. How is it used?. Any pointers?
Thanks in advance
Hello everyone,
Can someone help on:
1. How to lock a domain in the registry to prevent the registrar form
updating, transferring and deleting the domain.
Thanks in advance
Name :: Mathias Timothy
Cell :: +265 884 257 810
Skype :: mathias.timothy
Email :: timothy(a)
Url ::
Im running this in fred-client:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Command to issue:create_nsset NS12840 ((, ( ID1Do you really want to send this command to the server? (y/N): yERROR: Server returned an empty message.Ending session at localhostDisconnected.Try to automaticly reconnect - send login.Connecting to localhost, port 700 ...Connected!
ERROR: Parameter value syntax errorReason: within protection peridod.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What does this mean ? Is the nsset protected for a period ? And how can i make it open again ?