Dear CSNOG community,

As you may already know, the upcoming RIPE meeting will be hosted by CZ.NIC in Prague from October 28 to November 1; registration for the meeting is still open and a draft agenda is published with the final version coming soon.

For more details, check the official page:

Pre-RIPE 89 Online student event

On Monday October 14 (17:00 - 18:30 UTC+2), NCC will organise a free online event aimed at people currently studying in the fields of networking, computer science, internet governance and other fields relevant to the RIPE community. The goal is to introduce them to the RIPE Community, encourage them to participate at the RIPE Meeting (in-person or online) and provide them with tips on how to make the most out of it. 

In this edition, we are putting a spotlight on the Czech Internet community and the remarkable contributions to a stable, robust, and resilient Internet. We prepared a great agenda featuring excellent speakers who will share their firsthand experiences in founding, managing, and supporting critical infrastructure projects and initiatives. As we are targeting undergrad and master students, the speakers will keep the content relatively high-level and focused on the importance of strong communities.

Agenda and further information are available here:

As a way to lower the participation barriers, NCC has also set aside a limited number of free student tickets (for all 5 days of the conference). Application form can be found on the webpage posted above.

Registration for the online event is free and will be open until the day of the event.

If you are working with students that might be interested in attending, we'd appreciate it if you could help with spreading the word around. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Jelena Ćosić